Sunday, February 3, 2013


Electional Astrology

Most people are familiar with Natal charts. This is where an astrologer looks at a chart calculated for the time and place where you were born and can then tell you about your psychology, your spirituality, future life events, good and bad habits that you might have etc.

Horary astrology is also something a good deal of people is interested in. This is when an astrologer looks at a chart for the moment a question is asked, and from that can determine, not only the answer to the question, but also the details of the story surrounding the question.

There is a third type of astrology called Electional astrology.  A good astrologer can determine when to start a project in accordance with the stars and planets, thus maximizing the chance of the desired outcome for the project. Here we have a fourth dimension to our activities, the dimension of timing insuring the capacity and durability of things. It is only the art of astrology which can help accurately give one an advantage in the art of timing. This is the advantage of elections. 

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