Wednesday, February 20, 2013

NEPTUNE the Dissolver

NEPTUNE the Dissolver
The Piscean Master said: “I came that your joy may be full”

It takes 165 years for Neptune to complete its orbit around the Sun; it stays in each sign for 14 years and therefore it influences a whole generation of humans beings born during that period. This is why its house position is very important, since this is the area where its influence will be felt the most.
Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, is in exile in Virgo, exalted in Cancer and in fall in Capricorn. In the body, it rules the feet.

Neptune belongs to another dimension (the dimension of dreams and psychic phenomena).and does not feel at home in the world of matter. It is inspirational, dreamy, mystical, sensitive, emotional and receptive in nature. On the negative side, it works undercover and undermines one’s world until it collapse like a house of cards, as it creates illusions, deception, fraud and lies. At its worst, it leads to drugs or alcohol addiction as a means to escape reality.

Because of its inspirational nature, Neptune is prominent in the charts of artists (musicians, painters, writers, etc.). Automatic writing is also a Neptunian characteristic, as well as precognition dreams and strong intuitions of things to come. The house placement of Neptune in a chart will determine in which area of one’s life these qualities will appear.

Being a planet of sacrifice, it is also found in the chart of people who devote their life to help others, such as priests, spiritual guides, doctors, nurses, social workers, etc...

Neptune entered the sign of Pisces in February of 2012 and will stay in this sign until  March 2025.  In its own sign, Neptune will give its best (and its worst) during this transit. At its best, it will inspire and awake many souls to higher states of consciousness.  Masterpieces of art will be produced, acts of selflessness will make headlines in the news, charity organizations will flourish and psychic phenomena will appear to the most skeptical among humans.

At its worst, Neptune will create more illusions and deceptions whether from governments or religious institutions, more escapism into drugs and alcohol for those whose vibrations stay very low, and many false prophets will take advantage of vulnerable souls.

2012 was the end of a long 26,000 years cycle and our world is changing day by say, leading to a new Golden Age. Neptune at its best will lead the way by allowing our Higher Self to reveal itself in those of us who are ready for the New Earth.

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