Friday, April 12, 2013

ARIES, the Pioneer

ARIES, the Pioneer 
The Sun entered the sign of Aries on March 21st and will leave it on April 19th.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is symbolized by the Ram. In the physical body it rules the head. Aries is ruled by Mars.
The sign of Aries starts the astrological year, since the zodiac begins at 0º Aries and ends at 360º Pisces, and therefore, it represents all beginnings; the birth of the ego. That is why the keyword for Aries is: “I am”, and self-assertiveness is the main characteristic of the sign.
Leadership, strength, courage, energy, initiative, Arians are the pioneers of the zodiac. Action oriented, Arians must be doing something all the time. They are impatient, hasty in their judgments, fiercely independent, and can easily anger if anyone interferes in their life. They make very good executives, and can get any project started. However, they may lose interest if the pace slows down or things get too complicated. They seem very self-confident, but this sometimes hides a feeling of inadequacy. On the negative side, Arians can be selfish, self-centered, arrogant, domineering, excessive and braggarts. Arian women have to learn how to develop their feminine side, as they may come across as too pushy, opinionated and masculine. Let’s not forget that Aries and Mars rule war and aggression, and these characteristics must be controlled in a unified personality. Arians are often subject to headaches because they seldom relax. Sports can be very effective for Arians because they provide Arians with necessary activity, as well as allowing the release of their surplus energy. Martial Arts like Karate, Aikido, etc.. are typically Martian activities (as the name “Martial” indicates)  and are best suited for people having strong Arian or Martian dominants, since these sports are based on “controlled action”, and “mind and body” connection.
Arians or Martians are those who have many planets in Aries, or who have a strong dominant of Mars. In the latter case, the sign in which Mars is placed changes the energy of the planet. For instance, a dominant of Mars in Capricorn is totally different from one with Mars in Aries. In the first case, action is controlled and persistent (Capricorn), whereas in the second case it is spontaneous and short-lived (Aries).

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