Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013



Lighting the Lamp of Hope


Sarah Varcas

This New Moon in Sagittarius (occurring at 00:23 GMT on 3rd) provides a perfect opportunity to embrace the wisdom gifted to us at the weekend. Whatever response we received to our questions the Moon invites us now to have faith in them, no matter how unlikely or outlandish they may feel, because in due course, as these truths begin to live out their destiny, we too will find ourselves embracing our own. Not destiny in terms of a pre-determined path ahead, unavoidable no matter what, but destiny in terms of the power we each have to influence the global awakening to the realities of our age and the challenges and blessings ahead.
This Moon lights the lamp of hope within her own darkness. In doing so she reveals that the greatest wisdom can be found in the shadows where we may fear to look, shadows cast all the darker for the illumination she provides. We cannot know the light without knowing darkness, she reminds us, and in knowing darkness we come to know it as just another aspect of light: that aspect which has absorbed everything, every resonance, frequency and vibration, rejecting nothing, providing a home for all. Darkness, this New Moon reminds us, is where we come from, as much as from the light. It is not to be feared but embraced, known and loved as another face of the very essence of all that is.
The comfort of darkness comes to us with this Moon: the safety of being hidden, the security of life in the womb, the peace of restful sleep. She reminds us that the light and dark of our calendar day reflects the very nature of the universe. We cannot have one without the other and both contain their opposite. In unifying these opposites we come to truly appreciate the blessings of both and the gifts of wisdom contained within their embrace. Today the Moon reaches out to us in reassurance, with the message there is nothing to fear if we will only look into the shadows and discover the light they contain; light born of wisdom, courage, fearlessness, resolve and commitment.
This is an inspiring Moon. She has such faith in us and urges us to have that same faith in ourselves, for she sees our potential and what can be achieved once we turn to face our challenges and apply our insight to the winding and rocky path ahead. As we do this, she assures us, answers will come and strength will be found to endure and enjoy, to embrace and overcome. At the time of this New Moon the cosmos is replete with hope and inspiration, faith and forbearance. If we need to refill on these qualities of being this is a great time to do it. Stand beneath the blackened skies knowing that the darkness itself makes known to us the starlight from whence we came. Without it we would be without a guide, lost in a vast universe beyond our comprehension. Instead the darkness gives it form and frames the light which guides us ever onward.
Happy New Moon everyone.
Sarah Varcas

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Reaping the Inner Harvest


Sarah Varcas

Today’s Full Moon occurs at 11:14 a.m. GMT in the 27th degree of Pisces. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘A Harvest Moon’, (nicely appropriate for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere!) and this Moon shines her light upon the harvest we can now reap. This is not, however, a material harvest of conditions created around us. Instead she invites us to consider an inner harvest and where we now find ourselves on our path of spiritual enquiry.
It can be a rare thing, to contemplate ourselves aside from the conditions of our lives. We can easily feel an unnerving dissolution of self when we remove the external trappings of our identity and turn within to see what’s left in their absence. But today the Full Moon bids us to do exactly that: to turn towards and embrace the truth of who we are aside from anything created around us. To embrace what is left when our identification with things, circumstances, experiences, wealth (or lack of it), role (or absence of it), is released. She encourages us to let even our name go, to move beyond the ‘I’ ness of existence, in order to experience the essence which energises us from the heart.
This essence has been given many names over the years. It has been conceptualised and theorised, denied and held up as a carrot on the stick of the spiritual path. Some believe it to exist, others cannot conceive that it possibly could. We each have our own relationship with our very core and today we can encounter it in its rawest and most pure form by turning away from everything that divides us from others, that identifies us with individuality and selfhood, and turning towards the pure energy flowing through us from the earth, from the cosmos, from everything around us and back out again into the world at large. This energy forms the harvest of which the Moon speaks today.
An encounter with this pure force within is not always a pleasant experience! Many have spoken of the trauma of awakening to the truth of who we are, of the destruction that doing so can wreak in our everyday lives where truth can no longer exist alongside the everyday deceptions of mundane consciousness. This is not a path for the fainthearted, and it is fair to say that the transformations occurring in our world now as we enter the Aquarian Age are not all about sweetness and light! But a willingness to experience the essence of who we are, beyond identity and ego, is essential to the process of awakening. Whatever we use to bolster our sense of self must also be placed willingly upon the sacrificial altar in case it, too, requires release at some point.
This Full Moon in the final sign of the zodiac reminds us that the true harvest of our path is experienced within, in the very core of our being, not externally in the trappings of our lives. If we fail to connect with our essence we may miss the harvest, forever seeking it outside of ourselves, which can be a more seductive and absorbing path, but also a distracting and deceptive one. As with all Full Moons, something comes to fruition at this point, but today the harvest is within us awaiting our inward gaze in order to be known.
Wishing Full Moon Blessings for everyone.
Sarah Varcas

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Grand Sextile – August 25th – The Solomon ’s seal – Theme – TRANSFORMATION – Pleiades


In the next few days of your earthly time, there will once again occur a grand celestial event in your skies as major celestial bodies move into place to form a six pointed star. Another portal will once again open and bring with it a strong infusion of light onto this planet. This is the time that all of you will be able to fully, consciously and collectively connect yet again to the divine. Coupled with the energies that all of you have collected and have hibernated within your vessels for the last few weeks, the energy that will be unleashed onto GAIA will have tremendous power to break down the old systems and to transform all that stands in its way.
And so we ask that all of you, with all of you might and desire for change, connect to the divine and allow your bodies to become light anchors, pillars of light, through which the pure cosmic energies of love, peace, serenity, tranquility and understanding can pass through and into the very depths of your planet.

We ask that as this energy passes through you, for you to completely merge with the energies and to monitor your thoughts continuously for 3 days. One day prior to the portal, during the portal and the next day after the closing of the gates.

You shall become PURE channels of this energy, for all the darkness shall be transformed to light, doubts and fears into confidence and peace. Bear in mind that as this energy passes through you, and cleanses your very being, you may experience various energy fluctuations throughout the 3 day cycle. Please understand that this shall be a natural state, for your bodies will be transformed FOR THE DURATION OF 3 DAYS (24-26)  - YOU SHALL BECOME PURE PILLARS OF LIGHT. Your senses will heighten. Your vision will sharpen. Your hearing will significantly improve. Each word you utter will carry tremendous power within. Your thoughts will quickly manifest into your reality and so we ask all of you to be increasingly aware of these processes and to carefully monitor each and every thought, word and action, for you must think love, breathe love, BE LOVE. You must completely transform yourselves into pure VIOLET FLAME.

Allow the energies to permeate through your body and if you begin to feel anything but love, peace, tranquility and joy, simply shift your focus back to love and light. Remember to keep your thoughts positive, do not allow any negativity to seep through. Simply shift your focus and know that for these 3 days you are an immensely powerful being, carrying pure, crystalline consciousness of the universal truth within your vessel and delivering it to mother GAIA.

And so on the 25th of your August you are to sit in a meditative state and imagine and see and feel and sense yourself to be a pure, pillar of violet flame. See yourself connecting with your crown chakra to the Source. Be sure to “imagine” that your link to The Source is completely protected in golden light as it travels down from The Source into your Crown chakra, going all the way down the center of your body and exiting your body through your base chakra and going all the way down to the very core of the earth. Sit still and breathe deeply in and out. With every breath that you take pull more and more violet flame through your crown chakra, down your body and out of your base chakra into the heart of the earth, from where it shall envelope the whole planet and be distributed to each and every soul that dwells therein. All the while feeling LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING, PURITY, TRUTH, JOY, CONFIDENCE, AND ETERNAL BLISS.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Pleiades High Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Monday, August 19, 2013

FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS - Tuesday, August 20, 2013


FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS-Balancing acts will be required during upcoming cardinal grand crosses of 2013-14 (August 20, 2013)

Astrology New Moon Full Moon

In the Pacific Time Zone (PST), the Moon will be full at 6:45 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20.  With this Full Moon, the Sun in Leo will be in opposition (180°) to the Moon in Aquarius.  To further clarify how this Full Moon will impact you on a personal level, locate 29° of Leo and 29° of Aquarius in your birth/natal chart.  The issues associated with those two houses are going to be most impacted by this Full Moon’s presence.

This is the second Full Moon in Aquarius during 2013.  The first occurred on Monday, July 22, at the very beginning of Leo/Aquarius (1°).  This Full Moon occurs at the very end of Leo/Aquarius (29°).  All Full Moons require us to find a balance between the two signs involved.  This one will test our ability to stay true to ourselves (Leo) while participating in a larger whole (Aquarius).  The more we are able to accept ourselves (Leo), the more tolerant and collaborative we can be with others (Aquarius).  Heart-centered (Leo) consciousness (Aquarius) is what will change our lives and the world!  Because all Full Moons place a spotlight on finding balance, this may be a good time to ask yourself, “What supports my balance?”  Balance is the key to being present, powerful, and effective.  And for the remainder of this year and well into the next, finding our balance will be important (see third bullet later in this post).
Some people may find that this is a time when their creativity and enthusiasm are at an all-time high.  Others may find that they experience sudden ideas or insights that lead to ingenious changes in their lives.  Still others may experience this Full Moon as a highly social time when they are able to find a good balance between individuality and collective concerns.
However, some people may have been experiencing a breakdown recently.  The old way of living no longer works because you are experiencing new aspects of yourself and your life.  You are giving birth to a new you, and birth is often a painful, messy process.  But this is where real growth occurs!  And the time of the Full Moon may be a time when we move through that breakdown toward a breakthrough.
Many powerful aspects, configurations, and planetary movements provide for a rich, albeit complex energy in the coming days.  Astrologically speaking, this is a very active time!
  • A few hours after the Full Moon, Jupiter makes its first of three exact squares (90°) to Uranus.  Squares always represent “turning points.”  Jupiter is about expansion, enthusiasm, and knowledge.  Uranus is about change, originality, and humanitarianism.  We are being challenged now to think outside the box and come up with innovative, win-win solutions.  Luckily, on Wednesday, August 21, Jupiter forms the first of three exact trines (120°) to Chiron, which will provide us with the emotional intelligence and intuition to heal old wounds and share our gifts with the world in new ways.
  • On Thursday, August 22, the Sun moves out of dramatic Leo and into pragmatic Virgo.  And the next day (Friday, August 23), Mercury follows the Sun into its home sign of Virgo.  This transition from Leo energy to Virgo energy could be seen as a retreat from boldness, but its purpose is to take the Lion’s heartfelt impulses (Leo) and put them into material form (Virgo).  Minds grow sharper now, and we can more easily find a balance between discernment (higher expression of Virgo’s energy) and hypercriticism (lower expression of Virgo’s energy).  Our focus will likely be more narrow now, and we may become interested in skill development and self-improvement.  Furthermore, the conjunction (0°) between the Sun and Mercury will make this a time when our thinking and speaking should be clear, although we need to watch for signs that our tongues are becoming a bit too sharp.
  • Jupiter is also involved in a series of five cardinal grand crosses that will occur between now and spring 2014.  A grand cross (AKA grand square) occurs when there are 2 oppositions (180°) and the 4 planets involved in those 2 oppositions are equidistant from each other, resulting in 4 squares (90°).  All 4 planets are in cardinal signs, which means new starts and action!  Many of us will likely see changes in many different areas of our life (e.g., family, home, partnerships, social institutions).  I like to think that grand crosses are like a mobile that you might see hanging over an infant’s crib.  If one of the 4 objects (i.e., planets) doesn’t weigh as much as the other objects (or is removed), the entire mobile goes caddywhompus.  Our goal during grand cross configurations is to give equal focus to all 4 corners so that balance is achieved.  This often requires some creativity.  This first grand cross occurs between Saturday, August 24 and Tuesday, August 27.  It involves the planets Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto.  One possible expression of this first grand cross could be finding balance between gracious social exchanges (Venus in Libra), benevolent expansion (Jupiter in Cancer), bold changes (Uranus is Aries), and responsible transformation of structures (Pluto in Capricorn).  At this time, we are being asked to clarify our values/priorities and become advocates for peace/partnership.  Overall, this series of five grand cross configurations will see accelerated personal and collective shifts in consciousness.  We may even begin to question the rules by which we live and perhaps even our perception of reality.
  • An opposition (180°) between the Sun and Neptune on Monday, August 26, may cause us to end the month on a dreamy, unfocused note.  And due to a square (90°) between Venus and Jupiter the next day (Tuesday, August 27), we may find that these days are best spent doing things that don’t require much focus and that allow us to fantasize and indulge our physical senses.  As long as we don’t do anything to excess, this is a great time to spend and eat a little more than usual and to take a few social risks.  Taking action on these impulses is reinforced by Mars’ movement into Leo the same day.  We may feel inclined to take bold action or even partake in risky behavior.  It’s fine to have more confidence, but be a bit careful about doing anything that you might regret later.
  • On Wednesday, August 28, a wonderfully perceptive trine (120°) between Mercury and Pluto will help us concentrate on what is truly important in our lives.  The involvement of transformational Pluto with mental Mercury means that our perceptions will have depth, which could lead to unraveling many issues that have previously left us baffled.  Our ability to communicate and concentrate will also be enhanced.  An equally supportive sextile (60°) the next day (Thursday, August 29) between the Sun and Saturn will provide the maturity and self-trust to believe in ourselves and possibly even take steps that might normally feel too scary.
  • Then on Friday, August 30, the Moon makes a series of trines (120°) to Neptune and Saturn, all in water signs.  This will help us connect our emotions (Moon) and dreams (Neptune) with reality (Saturn).  Later that day, Mercury forms a sweet sextile (60°) to Jupiter, which will support us in expressing ourselves more effectively than usual and in a reassuring manner.  The very next day, Sunday, August 31, a wonderful trine (120°) between the Sun and Pluto will provide us with a subtle sense of personal power that can support us in making our dreams come true.
Overall, this second Full Moon in Aquarius is asking us to do one final check to make sure that we are finding a healthy balance between expressing our personal flare and using that flare to serve the greater community in which we live.  It may be helpful to ask yourself, “What are you being called to be (Leo) and share (Aquarius)?”  Many different aspects and configurations provide both a kick in the butt (squares, oppositions) and the support (trines, sextiles) we need to make progress on living out our dreams.  This Full Moon reminds us that, “The creative is a place where no one else has ever been.  You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition.  What you’ll discover will be wonderful.  What you’ll discover is yourself.” (Alan Alda)
  • New Moons and Full Moons often influence us for the 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event.
  • Full Moon at 29° of Aquarius
  • Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 6:45 p.m. PDT
  • Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 9:45 p.m. EST
  • Wednesday, August 21, 2013, at 1:45 a.m. GMT
  • The Mountain Astrologer (magazine)
  • Various online sources
  • Anne’s interpretations

Monday, July 29, 2013



DAWN of the AGE of AQUARIUS - by Kyria Alu'ela Lumina HaVah Ka

July 29, 2013 at 5:29am

message from Kyria Alu'ela Lumina - HaVah Ka

All you need to do today is breathe into your heart all that is flowing from the divine and feel the love. Tune into mother nature and your inner self. Let go of any restrictions that you may still be feeling and then Fly!!! See where the energies take you. I wont tell you what you should or could feel...you feel.

The Grand-sextil is a drawing on paper of 6 planets creating a Star of David or DURGA YANTRA - it itself is not a Merkaba in itself since the planets are all at different distances from the earth. But the Star is a energetic gateway - a opening for the divine energies to lift us into another octave of consciousness. The STAR of David - 2 trigons -is also the symbol of the HEART CHAKRA which in itself is your connection to all there is since it balances Heaven and Earth within us. If you know how to activate your Omkabah or Merkaba then do it (as I posted before).

The Moon today is in Taurus making a trigon to Venus in Virgo & Pluto in Capricorn - all earth signs.

Jupiter/Mars Conjunct trines Saturn in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces - all in water signs.

Moon is in opposition to Saturn in  Scorpio

The Grand sextil is all in Feminine signs, which I noticed was the DURGA YANTRA - Divine Mother symbol

The planets involved are at the following degrees at the moment the Moon squares the Sun, which is the energy jolt that manifests the Star Gate between 1:43am EDT and 10:09pm EDT.

Jupiter 07 Cancer 30 -conjunct- Mars 10 Cancer 51

Venus 08 Virgo 39

Saturn 05 Scorpio 11

Pluto 09 Capricorn 47 Rx

Neptune 04 Pisces 42 Rx

Perhaps you would like to do this:

Sit quietly somewhere and breathe in thinking "SO" and breath out on "HUM". Do this for a few minutes to quiet your mind.

I am guided to instruct you to tune into the planets of the Grand-sextile and download their energies
(qualities) into your energy fields. As you call in the energies of the planets anchor them into your heart. Then as the earth spins today a planetary Star-tedtrahedron will activate THROUGH YOU, as you are one with our mother earth.

See yourself sitting inside the earth and Imagine and command the Star-tetrahedron to spin faster than the speed of light (clockwise) and you will see it as a Sphere of White-Golden Christ Light rotating around you and the earth. The faster it spins the more the earth and you will be purified and raised it vibration which will take us into a higher octave of awareness.

Aah ( soft like a baby - its the sound of the Heart) 3 x  to open your heart chakra

Om ( aum) 3 x - calling in the sound of the Universe

Enjoy the experience into the 5th Dimension!

Qualities of the planets:
Moon - feminine, emotions, water

Jupiter - expansion
Mars - action, pioneer, warrior,fire
Saturn - discipline, structure

Pluto - truth, depth, transformation, resurrection

Neptune - Transcendence, dream, subconscious, imagination



When the Moon is in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars
then Peace will guide the planets and love with guide the stars
This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius......
The published Horoscope of the Stargate shows the moon in the 7th House and Jupiter conjunct( aligned with) Mars.

Many Blessings for the next stage of our HUman evolution

Yours always
Kyria Alu'ela Lumina - HaVah Ka


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


LEO, the Regal

We must build a new world,

a far better world — one in which

the eternal dignity of man is respected

Harry S. Truman

The Sun entered the sign of Leo on July 22nd and will leave on August 22nd. Symbolized by the Lion, Leo is ruled by the Sun, the giver of life. It is a fire and fixed sign. Its key phrase is: I WILL. In the physical body it rules the heart and the spine.

They are regal, they are loyal, they are generous, they are Leos!  Sign of the heart, Leo’s love is the strongest and most faithful of the zodiac, because it is illuminated by the Sun, ruler of the sign and symbol of pure love.  They are very attached to those they love because they cannot live for themselves alone.

Leo being the sign of royalty, there is a little king in every Leo!  Leos love to be in the spotlight and to be in positions of command. They hate to delegate authority to others and, as a result, they may over-burden themselves with work.

When evolved, Leos are an inspiration to others by their courage,  their dignity, their self-respect and their integrity. They have tremendous vitality and energy which they use for the good of those around them.  They are honest and dependable.

Being the sign of the ego, it is very easy for the non- evolved Leo individual to fall into the trap of dictatorship and misuse of power. The world in its history has known some of these fanatics. The most famous that comes to mind is Napoleon I, a Leo with Scorpio rising, whose ambition and delusions of grandeur had no limits. When un-evolved, Leos are pretentious, status conscious, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, childish and domineering.

In addition to love, Leo and the Fifth house rule children, creativity and artistic creations, honors, teaching, the theater, recreation, vacations, gambling and speculation.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013


4th of July America’s BD
This is the most important birthday of the month and I want to celebrate it by offering you the chart of this great country. I will give my interpretation of the main astrological elements of this horoscope and I apologize for its brevity, for this subject would require a whole book and I have only one page at my disposal.
The United States of America was born in Philadelphia, PA, on July 4, 1776 at 2:17 AM, when the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. Why at 2:17 AM? It is said that some of the Founding Fathers were interested in astrology and chose this particular time carefully, to ascertain the best possible planetary conditions for the birth of their country.
The chart of the United States has a Gemini Ascendant, with Uranus rising on the same degree (8º Gemini) and Mars at 20º Gemini. This powerful combination makes America the most dynamic country in the world (Uranus/Mars), youthful, restless, talkative and adaptable (Gemini). The Ascendant, representing the way we are perceived from the outside, is how the world sees America. The planet Uranus rules technology and revolutions and it is not surprising that the United States is at the forefront when it comes to new inventions that revolutionize the world.
The three benefic planets, Venus/Jupiter/Sun in Cancer in the second house of wealth, guarantee long-term prosperity and produce a money-oriented attitude which made the United States the biggest capitalist country in the world. However the sign of Cancer, being a nurturing, mothering and protective sign, makes America very generous with its money, helping needy countries and financing all sorts of causes.
The Moon – which represents Democracy, the people, women, home, family, etc. – is dominant in the Mid-Heaven, in the future-oriented and rights-conscious sign of Aquarius. This placement of the moon has made America the most democratic state on the planet. “We, the People” symbolizes the meaning of this Moon. Combined with Aquarius, the Moon has liberated women from the oppression of the past.  Women in America enjoy a greater range of opportunities than anywhere else.
Mercury, the ruler of USA’s Ascendant is in Cancer, in the third house of communication. This explains why the media is so important in this country and Cancer, being such a democratic sign, everyone is entitled to  his own opinion and is allowed to voice it over the radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet! The fact that Mercury opposes Pluto indicates an urge to argue and to stir up controversy – America’s favorite pastime!
Now let’s talk about the not so positive aspects in the USA’s chart. First of all, what the Founding Fathers did not know in 1776 was the existence of Uranus (discovered in 1781), of Neptune (discovered in 1846) and of Pluto (discovered in 1930). Had they known about these planets, they would have chosen a different day and time for the birth of America.
Uranus and Mars in Gemini in the Ascendant emphasize dynamic inventiveness and youth, but Mars squaring Neptune in the Fifth House of children shows a very deep problem regarding young people, i.e. drugs (Neptune rules drugs). Furthermore, Mars in the First House also indicates aggression and weapons, in Gemini (youth), showing juvenile delinquency and criminality as a deep-seated problem at the core (Ascendant) of American society.
What protects the United States, no matter how many problems it has, is a grand trine involving Moon (the people), Saturn (those in power)  and Mars (action and war) which compensate for the bad aspects in the chart and guarantee a successful outcome in the long run (Saturn=Time).

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

CANCER, the Nurturer

CANCER, the Nurturer

The Sun entered the sign of Cancer on June 21nd, the longest day of the year, or Summer Solstice, and will leave on July 22rd. The fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer is a Cardinal sign (opening a season) and the first sign in the water triplicity (the other two water signs being Scorpio and Pisces). Cancer is symbolized by the crab and is governed by the Moon. In the physical body it rules    the breasts, the stomach and the solar plexus.
The keyword of Cancer is “I FEEL”. It is an emotional, receptive and intuitive sign. Because of their great sensitivity, Cancerians absorb any atmosphere around them like water taking the shape of its container. For this reason, they are changeable and moody. They also find it difficult to make a distinction between what they feel and what they think because they respond to life with their feelings and emotions. In fact, as the Fourth House sign coinciding with midnight, Cancer is the sign of the subconscious mind and the sign of the past (including past lives) which harbor hidden scars that may provoke irrational reactions. It is not easy to know what Cancerians want or think, because their conscious mind is clouded by their subconscious.
Cancer is the sign of motherhood and nurturing. It rules fecundity and pregnancy. It represents the womb, the house, the home – all things covered and protected. Cancerians are very insecure and need to be centered. This is why they love their home and their family above anything else and they can be very demanding, even tyrannical, of the affection of their loved ones.
Cancer is the most feminine of all signs and therefore not an easy one for a man.  The Cancerian man has a very strong attachment to his home, to his mother and to the past.  He needs the influence of strong signs like Leo or Aries to overcome the passivity and physical laziness of Cancer, since this is not an energetic sign.
Democracy, the homeland, the people are ruled by Cancer. It also rules mass consciousness, which can be easily manipulated because it only responds to emotions. Those in charge of the mass media know it very well and use it extensively for their benefit in fields such as advertising or politics.
The ocean, the tides, islands, dreams, imagination – all of these are also under the rulership of Cancer and the Moon, the most fecund sign and planet.


Friday, May 31, 2013

My firt MEET UP Astrology Workshop

Please view the invitation to my first astrology workshop in New York City:


Let's Meet up and learn the secrets of Astrology

  • Astrology is a cosmic science. The word Cosmos means order. Everything in our universe is governed by the laws of analogy, i.e., as above so below. Astrology is the body of laws that link the infinitely large and the infinitely small to the Cosmos. Thus, apparent disorder becomes universal harmony. Consequently, human beings cannot be independent of this order and the destiny of humanity as a whole, as well as that of each individual is determined by these laws that rule the universe.
    Individual astrology reveals one’s place in the universe as well as one’s role as an inseparable element of one’s environment. For everything is intertwined and if the stars’ function is to determine the destiny of humanity, each human being’s function is to fulfill his destiny according to his own nature.
    Humans are the only beings on earth that enjoy this privilege. An animal or a plant are totally conditioned and have no power to change their life. However, human beings can only exercise their free will within the limits that have been assigned to them. For freedom is relative and is subjected to the general plan of the universe. Nevertheless, our free will allows us to maximize our potentials and to turn our destiny into a success.
    In an individual birth chart, each planet, each sign, each aspect, represent both psychological characteristics and facts of life. Thus the chart proves to be of capital importance because it reveals our weaknesses and their consequences, but also our strengths which we can use to overcome obstacles and therefore control our destiny.
    A natal chart is a snapshot of the cosmos at the time of birth--a cosmic portrait. It is what the universe has to say about who you are what you may become.
    The future is built in the present and all the potentials of our destiny are written in our birth chart. Astrology reveals these possibilities; however, it is up to each one of us to translate them into reality. It is as if, when we were born, we were given a recipe for a dish, with all the ingredients necessary to realize it. Our destiny is the dish, and we can turn it into a success with mediocre ingredients, or into a disaster with first quality ingredients.
    The astrological chart thus becomes the instrument necessary to understand our own nature, to raise our level of consciousness and consequently, to improve our life.
    $10 donation

Friday, May 24, 2013

GEMINI, the Juggler

GEMINI, the Juggler 
I think, therefore I am.  (René Descartes)
The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on May 21st and will leave on June 21st, the last day of Spring. The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini is a dual sign, rightly symbolized by the Twins. It is ruled by Mercury, the Quick-Silver planet. In the physical body it represents the shoulders, the lungs, arms, hands and the nervous system.
Gemini is the sign of teenage years, when we open our eyes to the world and start to explore it, curious about everything and willing to absorb all these wonderful discoveries. It represents the lower mind, as opposed to Sagittarius, the higher mind that leads to spiritual awakening and wisdom.  Gemini is the “butterfly” of the zodiac, hopping from one situation to the next in order to satisfy its insatiable curiosity. It is the most adaptable of all signs, and like a chameleon, becomes, for a short moment, whatever the situation requires it to be. This is why Gemini people are said to have multiple personalities and, in fact, they make very good actors because they can become whoever they want to be.
Gemini is not an emotional sign but an intellectual, air sign. Therefore, those with many planets in Gemini must be dealt with through reason and logic. On the positive side, they can be highly intelligent, quick to understand any abstract concept and communicate it con brio. On the negative side, they can get stuck on unessential details, nag and fuss endlessly, unaware of how difficult they are to cope with.
Because of their youthful appearance (even in old age), their wit, and their great sense of humor, Gemini people are likeable and are very popular among their peers. Contrary to Taurus who wants to possess and be possessed, Gemini people like everyone and find it difficult to love one person at a time (especially Gemini men). They are not very faithful and the more freedom they have in a relationship, the happier they are. However, they need to feel important to someone.
Being the sign of communication, Gemini produces teachers, writers, journalists, salesmen. Gemini people are very mobile and hate static situations. They are nervous and restless and need to be on the go. They have a vivid imagination and come up with great ideas, but lack the persistence necessary to make these ideas reality.
Because they have difficulty in concentrating, the challenge of Gemini is to get their mind under control, through meditation or martial arts (these are very appropriate because they combine control of body and mind).  Gemini people are more subject to nervous breakdowns than any other sign. Too much self-centeredness can be destructive, and Gemini people must forget about themselves and pay more attention to others.

Monday, April 22, 2013

TAURUS, the Builder

TAURUS, the Builder

Had, having, and in quest to have  (“The Winter’s Tale”, Shakespeare)

The Sun entered the sign of Taurus on April 20th and will leave it on May 20th. The second sign of the zodiac, Taurus is symbolized by the Bull. It is the first domicile of Venus and the sign of exaltation of the Moon. In the physical body it represents the mouth and the throat.

Taurus represents “the freshly plowed earth of springtime, ready for the seed”. It is a “fixed” sign, which means that it occupies the height of the season (while Aries is a cardinal sign, starting the season,  Gemini is a mutable sign ending it). It is also the first “earth” sign; it rules material possessions, money, banks, etc. Its keyword is “I have”, and one of the characteristics of Taureans is “possessiveness”.

Taureans have a good disposition and a genuine appetite for all the fine things that life has to offer. They nourish their loved ones with their strength (or with their food), and let others easily invade their lives. They are kind and gentle and it takes a great deal to make them angry, but when they anger, they charge like a bull. They are steady, persistent and stubborn. They need time to adjust to new ideas and can get upset if rushed. When in love, they are faithful but very possessive and can even be jealous. 

Taurus being the sign of money, this is one item dear to Taureans. In fact, they excel in professions such as banking, stock brokerage, financial consulting, etc... Ruled by Venus, beauty is very important to Taureans. This is why Taurus produces artists, decorators, architects, etc. You will also find many singers with Taurean influence, since the sign rules the vocal cords and the throat.

Taureans are the builders of the zodiac, strongly attached to what they have built over the years. They don’t like changes and hate to let go of anything, even of their adult children; one of the lessons they have to learn is detachment. On the negative side, Taureans can be greedy, over possessive and obsessively jealous.

Friday, April 12, 2013

ARIES, the Pioneer

ARIES, the Pioneer 
The Sun entered the sign of Aries on March 21st and will leave it on April 19th.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is symbolized by the Ram. In the physical body it rules the head. Aries is ruled by Mars.
The sign of Aries starts the astrological year, since the zodiac begins at 0º Aries and ends at 360º Pisces, and therefore, it represents all beginnings; the birth of the ego. That is why the keyword for Aries is: “I am”, and self-assertiveness is the main characteristic of the sign.
Leadership, strength, courage, energy, initiative, Arians are the pioneers of the zodiac. Action oriented, Arians must be doing something all the time. They are impatient, hasty in their judgments, fiercely independent, and can easily anger if anyone interferes in their life. They make very good executives, and can get any project started. However, they may lose interest if the pace slows down or things get too complicated. They seem very self-confident, but this sometimes hides a feeling of inadequacy. On the negative side, Arians can be selfish, self-centered, arrogant, domineering, excessive and braggarts. Arian women have to learn how to develop their feminine side, as they may come across as too pushy, opinionated and masculine. Let’s not forget that Aries and Mars rule war and aggression, and these characteristics must be controlled in a unified personality. Arians are often subject to headaches because they seldom relax. Sports can be very effective for Arians because they provide Arians with necessary activity, as well as allowing the release of their surplus energy. Martial Arts like Karate, Aikido, etc.. are typically Martian activities (as the name “Martial” indicates)  and are best suited for people having strong Arian or Martian dominants, since these sports are based on “controlled action”, and “mind and body” connection.
Arians or Martians are those who have many planets in Aries, or who have a strong dominant of Mars. In the latter case, the sign in which Mars is placed changes the energy of the planet. For instance, a dominant of Mars in Capricorn is totally different from one with Mars in Aries. In the first case, action is controlled and persistent (Capricorn), whereas in the second case it is spontaneous and short-lived (Aries).

Thursday, February 21, 2013

FULL MOON - February 25, 2013 – 3:26 PM EST

FULL MOON - February 25, 2013 – 3:26 PM EST

This month Full Moon falls in the Virgo/Pisces axis.

The sky looks like a battlefield, with on one side, the Moon sextile Saturne and trine Pluto, on the other side Neptune/Sun/Chiron/Mars/Mercury in Pisces and in the middle, a third faction comprising Jupiter sextile Uranus, is battling both.

This is a difficult chart where common sense (Moon/Saturn/Pluto) is confronted with irrationality, illusions, misconceptions, rose-colored lenses (Neptune/Sun/Chiron/Mars/Mercury), blurring a harsh reality while a third faction of powerful entities is  taking advantage of the turmoil (Jupiter/Uranus).

On a personal level, this is a Full Moon which is going to stir up relationships based on misconceptions and illusions, making communication almost impossible. My advice is not to try to get into any kinds of explanations or arguments because it would make things much worse.

On a wider sense, this chart might indicate a problem related to the stock market (Moon in the 2nd  house of earnings versus the stellium in Pisces in the 8th  house of “other people’s money").

As we said before, full Moons are associated with bad human behaviors and this one is no exception, to which we can add irrationality (Pisces).

Happy Full Moon anyway!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

NEPTUNE the Dissolver

NEPTUNE the Dissolver
The Piscean Master said: “I came that your joy may be full”

It takes 165 years for Neptune to complete its orbit around the Sun; it stays in each sign for 14 years and therefore it influences a whole generation of humans beings born during that period. This is why its house position is very important, since this is the area where its influence will be felt the most.
Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, is in exile in Virgo, exalted in Cancer and in fall in Capricorn. In the body, it rules the feet.

Neptune belongs to another dimension (the dimension of dreams and psychic phenomena).and does not feel at home in the world of matter. It is inspirational, dreamy, mystical, sensitive, emotional and receptive in nature. On the negative side, it works undercover and undermines one’s world until it collapse like a house of cards, as it creates illusions, deception, fraud and lies. At its worst, it leads to drugs or alcohol addiction as a means to escape reality.

Because of its inspirational nature, Neptune is prominent in the charts of artists (musicians, painters, writers, etc.). Automatic writing is also a Neptunian characteristic, as well as precognition dreams and strong intuitions of things to come. The house placement of Neptune in a chart will determine in which area of one’s life these qualities will appear.

Being a planet of sacrifice, it is also found in the chart of people who devote their life to help others, such as priests, spiritual guides, doctors, nurses, social workers, etc...

Neptune entered the sign of Pisces in February of 2012 and will stay in this sign until  March 2025.  In its own sign, Neptune will give its best (and its worst) during this transit. At its best, it will inspire and awake many souls to higher states of consciousness.  Masterpieces of art will be produced, acts of selflessness will make headlines in the news, charity organizations will flourish and psychic phenomena will appear to the most skeptical among humans.

At its worst, Neptune will create more illusions and deceptions whether from governments or religious institutions, more escapism into drugs and alcohol for those whose vibrations stay very low, and many false prophets will take advantage of vulnerable souls.

2012 was the end of a long 26,000 years cycle and our world is changing day by say, leading to a new Golden Age. Neptune at its best will lead the way by allowing our Higher Self to reveal itself in those of us who are ready for the New Earth.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

PISCES, the Dreamer

Design by Lydia Bisanti
PISCES, the Dreamer

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream (Edgar Allan Poe)
Ruled by Neptune and Jupiter
From about February 18 to March 20
Key word: I FEEL      
Water sign - Mutable
In the body it rules the feet
The sun enters the sign of Pisces on February 18 and will remain there until March 20. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is two fish tied together, swimming in opposite directions.
Pisces symbolizes that which is unlimited and cannot be measured, the cosmic mysteries that require faith. Closing the cycle of the zodiac, Pisces is the most spiritual of all signs, preparing the soul to retreat from this world.

Self-sacrifice, compassion, extreme sensitivity are some of the qualities of this sign. Hard to understand, Pisces is introspective and needs to be alone to “recharge its batteries”. Pisceans do not feel at home in this world and their need to escape reality is very strong. If used constructively, this can lead to great achievements, such as music, poetry, painting; many artists have strong Piscean or Neptunian influence.   The most compassionate of all signs, Pisces produces individuals who devote themselves to others: priests, spiritual guides, doctors, nurses, hospital and social workers, and people who defend causes such as homelessness or any other cause to help the underdog. Pisces understands sufferance and is prone to tears. This might lead to martyrdom, feeling sorry for oneself and self neglect. The dark side of Pisces produces passivity and cowardness, fraud and betrayal, irresponsibility and escapism into alcohol or drugs, illusions, such as belonging to a pseudo-spiritual cult.
Neptune is now in its own sign of Pisces until 2025 and it will re-enforce the characteristics of the sign, both in the positive and in the negative ways. I will write about its influence in a future post.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


The date: Monday, February 25, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM
The place: 218 E. 25th Street
(between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)
New York, New York
Suggested Donation: $15
Please RSVP @
212 472 1229

or bisbaz@aol.com
Fool Moon:
“The Lovers Moon”, in the Pisces/Virgo axis. Inspiration versus rationalization are the themes of this Full Moon..
Which one will win?
Please bring: your Heartfelt intentions, a candle of your choice
and the fullness of your Spirit
to share to play to reveal with us all.
Thank You and see you then!