Saturday, April 5, 2014


In this year chart, Mercury, the ruler of the natal Ascendant and ruler of the Solar Return Ascendant transits in the VIIIth house of transformation, conjunct the Sun. The ruler of the ascendant represents the ego personality, the way we project ourselves in the world and the sign of the ascendant shows how others perceive us. The conjunction to the Sun makes Mercury even stronger, becoming the most dominant planet in the chart. In turn, the ruler of the Ascendant conjunct any planet makes this planet part of the dominant of the chart. In this case, the Sun is the second dominant planet in this chart.
This “technical” explanation is necessary to understand the strength of the ego personality. The fact that this conjunction falls in the sign of Capricorn makes it even more assertive. In the IVth house of the chart, it indicates a very strong family influence in the development of that personality.
In the Solar return of 2014, this Mercury/Sun Conjunction falls in the VIIIth house of transformation, and the Sun conjunct Pluto emphasizes the transformation aspect, literally, the total surrender of the ego personality, a rebirth into a completely different individual with a unified personality, the union of the    Ego and the Soul.  The “heart”(Sun)  will rule over the “brains” (Mercury), made it possible by the transformative power of Pluto and the VIIIth house., as well as the squares to Uranus. This is the “breakthrough” and it can happen during the Grand Cardinal Cross of April 15 through 29, or any time thereafter, since the influence of this Grand Cardinal Cross will cover most of the year 2014 and even beyond.
The Unified personality finds its new strength in two beautiful sextiles to Neptune in Pisces in the Xth house of the Solar Return. Neptune gives its wealth of intuition and empathy and allows a different approach to Healing and helping people, with noticeable expansion of activities (Neptune in the Xth House of Career).
In this Solar Chart, the Moon falls in the sign of Libra and is conjunct Mars in the Vth house of love. The first part of the year is difficult in this area, the presence of Mars triggering hot tempers and arguments. However, the transformation occurring as a result of the Grand Cardinal Cross between April 15 and April 29 will change the energy and decisions will be made to change the dynamics of the relationships to the satisfaction of the parties concerned.
A Trine between Jupiter in Cancer in the IInd house of money and Saturn in Scorpio, in the VIth house of work indicates increase and expansion in earnings through work and new professional responsibilities.
The IVth house of the Solar Return in the XIth natal indicates  projects regarding living quarters, a move into a new house. This could happen in August, when the Sun transits the sign of Leo in the XIth house.
In conclusion, the pivotal fact of the year is the “breakthrough” and the consecutive “rebirth” which makes everything else fall into place both on personal and  professional levels, as if a door suddenly opened, revealing opportunities and abundance.  The Grand Cardinal Cross will certainly contribute to this awakening.
Lydia Bisanti

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