Friday, February 1, 2013



To be a “Pisces” means that the day we were born the Sun was transiting in that sign. However, we might also have strong Piscean traits if any other planet was in this sign the day we were born, even if our Sun was elsewhere.
Because each planet of our chart influences our personality, and we are a combination of  all signs, planets and aspects activated and present in our birth chart, as well as the time and place of our birth. This is why generalizations are misleading and nobody is a pure “Pisces”, or “Aries”, etc... Even twins, born a few minutes apart from each other, are different, because they are two individuals with their unique soul experience. Therefore, we are all unique, and we are going to express ourselves in our unique way. Human beings also enjoy a privilege that no other beings on earth enjoy: that is FREE WILL. This means that we essentially are whom we want to be, and despite the fact that we cannot control every aspect of our destiny, we are fully responsible for ourselves and for the way we respond to life’s challenges.

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