Monday, January 28, 2013

The SUN, Symbol of Creation

The SUN,
symbol of Creation

In all the traditions of the world, ancient and modern, the Sun has always been the symbol of the Divinity. It is very easy to understand why: The Sun is the brightest fixed star at the center our solar system and all of the planets revolve around it; it is the giver of life, for without the Sun life would not be possible.

In a chart, it represents the Self, the will power, love, creation. It is the center  of the personality, the life force of the individual. Where your Sun is shows your heart’s desire. it shows where you shine and where you are most likely to attract attention. 

Traditional astrology is based on the movement of planets around the Sun and the astrological year starts when the Sun reaches 0° Aries; the sign in which the Sun is located the day you were born determines the foreground of your personality. This is why so much emphasis has been given to the Sun sign and when we say we are a Libra, or a Leo, it means that the day we came into this life the Sun was transiting the sign of Libra, or Leo. However, the Sun alone does not determine the whole character; for this, it is necessary to study the whole chart.

Here is a short outline of the fundamental meaning of the Sun in each sign:

SUN in ARIES: Self assertiveness. The will to be a leader. Love that grows. Creation through impulse.

SUN in TAURUS: Possession. The will to endure. Stability in love. Creation that stands the test of time.

SUN in GEMINI: Mobility. The will to communicate. Love that hesitates. Creation through intellect.

SUN in CANCER: Security. The will to nurture. Motherly love. Creation at home.

SUN in LEO: Strong ego. The will to shine. Powerful love. Creation that takes center stage.

SUN in VIRGO: Perfectionism. The will to work hard. Love that calculates. Creation in technical fields.

SUN in LIBRA: Sociability. The will to please. Love that shares. Creation of beauty.

SUN in SCORPIO: Transformation. The will to control. Love passion. Destruction and re-creation.

SUN in SAGITTARIUS: The “Guru”. The will to conform. Love that wants marriage. Creation approved by society.

SUN in CAPRICORN: Ambition. The will to get to the top. Long lasting love. Creation that requires time.

SUN in AQUARIUS: Freedom. The will for knowledge. Unconventional love. Creation that revolutionize.

SUN in PISCES: Mystery. The will to escape. Love that suffers and saves. Creation that’s out of this world.

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